Pan ballo ffaf(o)r pawb a'i hedd

(Dedwyddwch y Saint)
Pan ballo ffafor
    pawb a'i hedd,
  Duw, o'i drugaredd odiaeth,
Yn Dad, yn Frawd, yn Ffrind a fydd
  Ar gyfyng ddydd marwolaeth.

Gwyn fyd y rhai
    dilëaist eu bai,
  Eu pechod, a'u hanwiredd:
Gan roi iddynt nerth
    er cnawd a byd,
  I bara hyd y diwedd.

Hir ddisgwyl 'rwyf, a hyn bob cam,
  Fel gwyliwr am y borau,
Gael profi grym
    dy nefol ras,
  Yn difa'm hatgas feiau.

Nid all un gelyn nac un bai
  Byth ddamnio'r rhai crediniol;
Mae gwaed yr Oen, ag uchel lef,
  O fewn y nef yn eiriol.

             - - - - -

Pan ballo ffafr
    pawb a'u hedd,
  Duw, o'i drugaredd odiaeth,
Yn Dad, yn Frawd, yn Gyfaill fydd
  Ar gyfyng ddydd marwolaeth.

O! Iesu cu, tosturia di,
  A rho i mi ddoethineb,
I'th dewis di yn rhan i mi,
  Cyn myn'd i dragwyddoldeb.

Cyn imi orwedd yn fy medd,
  Rho imi webb dy wyneb;
Moli dy enw mawr a wnaf
  Hyd eithaf tragwyddoldeb.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfroedd Siloah (John Williams 1740-1821)
Tegid (<1868)

  Clodfored bawb ein Harglwydd Dduw
  Gwyn fyd y rhai dilëaist eu bai
  O Iesu cu tosturia di
  Rhaid imi gael pob gras pob dawn

(The Happiness of the Saints)
When the favour of all
    and their peace fades,
  God, of his excellent mercy,
A Father, a Brother, a Friend shall be
  On the confining day of death.

Blessed are they
    whose fault thou didst cancel,
  Their sin, and their untruth:
While giving to them strength
    despite flesh and world,
  To endure until the end.

Long waiting am I, and this every step,
  Like a watchmen for the morning,
To get to experience the force
    of thy heavenly grace,
  Eradicating my detestable faults.

No enemy nor any fault can
  Ever condemn believing ones;
The blood of the Lamb is, with a loud cry,
  Within heaven interceding.

                - - - - -

When the favour of all
    and their peace fades,
  God, of his excellent mercy,
A Father, a Brother, a Friend shall be
  On the confining day of death.

O dear Jesus, show thou mercy,
  And give me wisdom,
To choose thee as my portion,
  Before going to eternity.

Before I lie in my grave,
  Give me the countenance of thy face;
Praise thy great name I shall do
  As far as the extremity of eternity.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
When human help is at an end

When human help is at an end

Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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